Guide to Preparing Your Home for Sale

To prepare your home for sale in Australia, start by decluttering and improving curb appeal. Consider staging with help from a real estate agent. Conduct a pre-sale inspection to address any issues.

Renovate and paint to boost home value. Use open house tips to showcase your property effectively. Companies can assist with preparing your house for sale, ensuring it meets buyers’ expectations. Follow a checklist for a smooth selling process.

Preparing Your Home For Sale

Your home is your greatest asset 

In life and real estate, it is often said that your principal place of residence is possibly your biggest asset. As industry professionals, we find this true for so many people in the community who we represent.

Guide to Preparing Your Home for Sale

With this in mind, you must do all you can to maintain the property throughout its lifetime, to protect and grow your asset. This way, at the time of eventual sale, you receive the best possible cash profit from your investment. 

Your home could deliver you a tax-free windfall 

Selling your home is a valuable opportunity for wealth and profit. Unlike other financial investments, your principal place of residence is free from capital gains tax and stamp duty. Therefore, a chance of a tax-free gain is rare. 

Selling is a one-off opportunity for profit 

Selling your home presents a unique opportunity to make a good deal of money. Typically every dollar your home sells for over the perceived market value is worth two dollars of your hard-earned labour. 

Secure the dollars you deserve for the property you own. You get only one chance to sell for profit and then the value passes on to the next owner.

To prepare your home for sale, start with a checklist, easily found as a PDF online. If needed, consider hiring help to get your house ready, ensuring it’s appealing to potential buyers. If you’re moving before selling, ensure your house is staged within 30 days for a faster sale.

Guide to Preparing Your Home for Sale

Once sold, navigate leaving your house smoothly. Efficiently prepping your home increases property value and expedites the selling process, potentially reducing costs. Additionally, consider landscaping and property photography for added appeal.

We are here to guide you through these steps and work closely with you to assist in making the process a seamless experience. For the complete guide, read steps 2 and 3. 

Our team is committed to the highest customer service level and is happy to help with all of your real estate needs; please get in touch with the Reed & Co. team if you have any questions about the market. 

Preparing Your Home for Sale

Preparing your home for sale can be a breeze with the right approach. Start by staging your home for sale, enhancing curb appeal, and deep cleaning to impress potential buyers. Use a preparing house for sale checklist or hire professionals for minor home repairs before selling.

Consider real estate photography tips to showcase your property effectively. Increase home value before selling, and negotiate offers confidently for a smooth transaction.

Preparing Your Home for Sale

Preparing a home for sale is becoming more and more pivotal to achieving an exceptional result than ever before. A perfectly clean, decluttered, and well-maintained home inside and out leaves nothing to chance and nothing to spend.

Preparing Your Home for Sale

More significantly, though, a home that is inviting and evokes the emotion of its buyer will statistically sell faster than a home that lacks due preparation and care. Creating that memorable first impression generally leaves a lasting one, so attention to detail is imperative to attracting the largest buyer pool and achieving a premium sales result.

We often engage professional interior designers and home stagers to provide advice and options to our clients in preparing their homes to sell. We also can provide contact details of trusted local tradespeople to assist with any maintenance and decorating needs.

Regardless of whether you’re considering putting your home on the market or utterly resolute on the idea of selling, this guide will guide you through the steps to maximize your outcome and ensure the result is the very best one. 

Step 1 – What to Consider

Step 2 – Your Action Plan

Step 3 – Preparing Your Home for Market

To prepare your home for sale quickly and easily, start by using a comprehensive checklist. You can find free downloadable PDF checklists online to guide you through the process. Take inexpensive steps like decluttering and staging to enhance your property’s appeal.

Consider downsizing before selling to streamline the process. Additionally, familiarize yourself with common mistakes sellers make and explore alternative selling methods for a smooth transaction.

We are here to guide you through these steps and work closely with you to assist in making the process a seamless experience. For the complete guide, read steps 1, 2, and 3. 

Our team is committed to the highest customer service level and is happy to help with all of your real estate needs; please get in touch with the Reed & Co. team if you have any questions about the market. 

Preparing Your Home for Profit

To prepare your home for profit, start with a comprehensive checklist. Consider deep cleaning, pre-listing repairs, and cost-effective upgrades to increase home value and attract potential buyers.

Boost curb appeal by staging your home and implementing inexpensive home improvement projects. Take advantage of virtual tours and open house strategies to showcase your property effectively. Consult a real estate agent for guidance on navigating the competitive housing market and maximizing profits while minimizing closing costs.

Preparing & Maximising Your Home for Profit


Regardless of whether you’re considering putting your home on the market or completely resolute on the idea of selling, this guide will guide you through the steps to maximize your outcome and ensure the result is the very best one. In the following blog post, we will outline everything to help you in this process, over three key phases.

Preparing Your Home for Profit

Your Plan of Action

1. Think like a purchaser

The golden rule of thumb is: if something needs to be repaired, fix it! Walk through and be picky – try and see what a potential purchaser will see, not what you have overlooked for years.

Buyers will mentally add up their perceived costs of repairing all those minor flaws and end up with an amount that is generally much higher than their actual costs. You may believe the repairs are insignificant, however the buyer may question the maintenance and upkeep of the rest of the property.

Necessary, non-critical minor repairs and perceived owner neglect will either lower the price or lengthen the time taken to sell.

Look at the color palette throughout your home. If you have used striking, bold colors, it might be time to neutralize them. Your objective is to make your home appeal to the largest possible segment of the market. The market is always driven by buyer demand and a buyer finds it hard to look beyond bright carpeting and bold wallpapers.

2. Plan of action checklist


Preparing Your Home for Profit

  • The front of your house is one of the first things a buyer sees. Sweep and wash the driveway and walkways to remove debris, dirt, and stains. Remove any oil stains if possible. Repair and patch any cracks
  • Check your fence for any loose or broken posts and replace any rotted wood
  • Check gutters for leaks or damage and remove debris
  • Lawn care: mow high and often. Feed the lawn with fertilizer, treat weeds, and aerate the lawn in high-traffic areas
  • Trim your plants back with secateurs
  • Promptly pull out weeds or spray with specialized weed killer as soon as they appear and before they set seed
  • Mulch garden beds to prevent soil from drying out too quickly and to hinder weed growth
  • Inspect exterior paint and touch up as needed
  • Clean and seal decks if needed
  • Cut back overhanging trees from the roofline
  • Repair/replace any damaged window screen mesh
  • Inspect walls and ceilings for cracks, leaks, mildew, or water stains
  • Clean out your irrigation system twice a year to ensure your plants get the best quality water and at the same time remove material that can settle in the lines and block the filters.
  • (Unscrew the drip or spray outlets, flush the line, then clean the filter)
  • Inspect the roof for damage
  • Winterize the pool
  • Reseal concrete areas to prevent cracking and deterioration


Preparing Your Home for Profit

  • Check smoke detectors
  • Clean and disinfect the dishwasher by operating it when it’s empty and putting bicarbonate soda in the
  • detergent tray and vinegar in the rinse holder
  • Vacuum refrigerator coils and empty waste containers
  • Check doors and windows for cracked seals and peeling paint –
  • repair as needed
  • Dust/vacuum the tops of cupboards
  • Move furniture that you don’t normally move and vacuum thoroughly
  • Inspect bathroom tiles, kitchen tiles, and sinks – reseal where needed
  • Soften potentially offending views, but always let light into your rooms, consider replacing heavy curtains with something lighter
  • Wash and clean all windows, curtains, and blinds
  • Clean light fittings and skylights. If your kitchen has fluorescent lighting fixtures, use ‘warm-white’ bulbs for a bright appearance
  • Clean kitchen exhaust hood and filter
  • Clean sliding doors and window tracks
  • Clean debris from ceiling fan blades/air conditioner fan blades before using
  • Check taps and plumbing supply lines for signs of leakage
  • Test the pressure relief valve on your hot water system to ensure it hasn’t seized up
  • Repair loose knobs, latches or
  • handles on doors
  • Make storage areas appear generous and well-planned, and remove and store all out-of-season clothing
  • Remove any items from the floor area of the wardrobes – this will make them seem more spacious
  • Hang an air freshener in the
  • wardrobe for a pleasant fragrance ensuring wardrobes smell fresh and clean
  • Ensure all wardrobe lights are in working order
  • Add battery lights to wardrobes that lack built-in lighting, as illuminated wardrobes appear bigger and more attractive

3. Notes and Contacts

Getting your home ready for sale can sometimes require the help of specific trades. If you don’t know of anyone who you could use feel free to contact the Reed & Co. Team and we can provide you with a copy of our “little White Book”, a valuable reference tool for the home, filled with highly recommended tradespeople and local professionals.

When it comes time to market your property, there are no shortcuts to obtaining a great price.

A lot of preparation has to be undertaken to make sure your property hooks and pulls a potential buyer in. When a buyer sees your property online or in person, she or he must think, “That’s the one!”

Photographs of your property are one of the main ways to draw in a buyer. They matter because they are the first point of contact that a buyer has with your property. Therefore, you must present your property in the best possible way. Excellent presentation and high-quality photographs seduce a buyer into a home.

Preparing your home for photography or video goes hand-in-hand. If you’re preparing a property for photos, that’s exactly the way it should appear for every open home, for every buyer inspection, and throughout the marketing campaign.

Prepare Your Home for Sale

To prepare your home for sale, start with a “prepare your home for sale checklist”. It’s essential to increase curb appeal by staging your home for sale and using real estate photography.

Implement inexpensive ways to prepare your home for sale like home decluttering tips and deep cleaning. Consider a pre-listing inspection and improve home value by disclosing any issues. Lastly, engage a real estate agent for negotiating offers and open house tips.

Prepare Your Home for Sale

Steps to prepare

1. Declutter and clean, clean, clean

A pristine, sparkling clean home says, “I care about this home. I’ve looked after it.” So, the person who purchases this home is going to benefit from the love, care, and attention you’ve given the home during your ownership.

2. Think about who you are appealing to

Think about who you think will want to buy the home and make the surroundings appeal to that potential buyer. Market the home to suit the purchaser.

Prepare Your Home for Sale

  • Is it a single-person’s apartment?
  • Is it designed for couples?
  • Is it a first homebuyer’s home?
  • Or is it a family home?

Think about your buyer and the atmosphere you’re trying to create.

3. The front of the home must create a strong first impression

Most buyers, particularly women, make up their minds between getting out of the car and about 30 seconds after walking through the front door. What buyers see in the photographs on the web has to match what they see when they get out of the car. You have to make an impact.

Photos should focus on the strengths and minimize any potential weaknesses.

Make sure the front yard is clean. Lawns should be manicured and lush. Hedges and edges must be trimmed, neat, and tidy. Clear out the cobwebs, and get rid of peeling paint and grime. Sugar soap or wash the gutters, eaves, fascia, weatherboards, and Colourbond roofs.

The front of the house must be pristine. With tiled roofs ascertain whether it is worth the investment of getting it refinished and resprayed. Generally, in most cases, it’s not going to be too obvious in photos, but it may become an issue through a sales negotiation.

Declutter the verandah. Make sure nothing is on there that doesn’t belong there. Paint the doorjambs in a high gloss.

Make sure the front yard is clean. Lawns should be manicured and lush. Hedges and edges must be trimmed, neat, and tidy. Clear out the cobwebs, and get rid of peeling paint and grime. Sugar soap or wash the gutters, eaves, fascia, weatherboards, and Colourbond roofs. The front of the house must be pristine.

4. Present the home to suit the purchaser

Once inside the home, minimize the amount of furniture in the rooms and utilize the furniture that’s going to make an impact. You want to create a scenario that will stimulate the kind of emotions that you’re targeting in your buyer.

For example, if you are marketing a home to a family, keep the chalkboard and some posters in a child’s bedroom because you want to create that family ambiance.

Prepare Your Home for Sale

5. Kitchen

Declutter! A fridge should not be noticeable – it should be white, silver, or neutral. Remove all personal items – the pen-stands, the sunglasses, the phone chargers. Add a few touches, depending on who you are appealing to. Add a fruit bowl fresh flowers or a plant.

Think about your buyer and the atmosphere you’re trying to create. Clean, clean, clean that stainless steel, give it a good scrub-down. All the surfaces should be gleaming.

Remove the personal touches, whether it’s kids’ report cards or the magnetic stickers from the fridge. Remove the tea towels, remove the pet bowls, and remove the rubbish bin and the dirty dishes from the shots!

6. Lounge room

If you have any kind of view from your lounge room over the backyard, the beaches, or the hills – maximize it. Clean the windows and be careful about window treatments. Remove lace curtains as they date the home and minimize what the photographer can do to show the views. Photographers will lift those blinds, and pull back the verticals, so the backyard, the views, the deck, and the outside entertaining areas can be seen.

7. Bathroom

The bathroom is one of the greatest challenges, because the bathroom is always a work in progress, particularly for family homes. This is one room that should be cleaned by professionals. Bathrooms need to feel germ-free; they need to be almost clinical. You want to be able to see through the shower glass so that it doesn’t impact the atmosphere you’re creating for the rest of the bathroom – it has to be translucent. Polish the mirror. Make sure that any cobwebs or dust, for instance on the exhaust fan, has been removed. Any chrome items must be given a good polish.

Bathrooms are also challenging because there are so many bright, shiny reflective surfaces. The quality of the photographer is revealed with shots of the bathroom. Any failure to catch every scrap of grime dirt or streak will show up in a photo. Decluttering is most important in the bathroom. In such a small space, any clutter is going to be far more obvious. Take out the toothbrushes and any other personal items that may detract.

8. Bedrooms

Declutter and clean and turn on the bedside lights as they create a beautiful glow. Contrasting bed linen and the wall treatments work well but be careful. Assess the view out of the bedroom windows – if it’s not a particularly attractive view, take the focus away from the window with a nice big painting, photo, or something else that will draw the attention away.

Prepare Your Home for Sale

If you want to focus your attention on a hill view a beach view, or just a nice outlook, take away any objects that will distract the eye from the window. Polish the mirrors. Make sure that any cobwebs or dust, for instance on the exhaust fan, has been removed. Any chrome items must be given a good polish.

9. Entertainment areas

With these areas, try and create a certain ambiance that will appeal to your buyer. Think about the atmosphere you’re trying to create. Whether it’s the deck, the verandah, or a balcony, how does it integrate with the rest of the atmosphere you’re trying to sell? For example, if it’s a waterfront home, you want to be able to show a balcony set up with a barbecue and chairs so that people can imagine themselves using it with friends on a summer evening.

10. The pool

Make sure you give some attention to the pool – it’s got to be sparkling before it is photographed and when the house goes on the market. Make sure all pool accessories – the empty chlorine bottles, the chemical containers, the pool cleaners, the brooms, the kids’ boogie boards, and the floatation rings are all packed away. Make sure it remains like that for the rest of the marketing campaign.

11. Keep the lights on

Lights are essential – even in the daytime, you’re always going to be shooting with lights on. Most professional photographers are going to create an ambiance somewhere between using their flash equipment and utilizing the available sunlight as well as the lights.

12. Replace all the faulty globes

Make sure they’re fresh, and if the property is vacant make sure the electricity is still connected.

Explore Noosa Heads

In 2018, the real estate market saw notable shifts, making it crucial to review the 2018 Year Real Estate Market Report. Inventory levels fluctuated, affecting price appreciation. Mortgage rates played a pivotal role in buyer demand and seller activity.

First-time homebuyers and millennials influenced market dynamics. Understanding luxury market trends and foreclosure activity is essential. Geographic variations posed challenges but also offered investment opportunities. Market analysis provides valuable takeaways for buyers and sellers.

The 2018 Year In Review

The Noosa property market in 2018 was a year of headlines, record results, and ultimately a year that confirmed that Noosa is one of the country’s hottest property markets.  The fitting finale to 2018 was one of the most successful trading periods for local businesses in over a decade with visitor numbers some of the highest ever experienced.  For real estate, the market conditions are tight, lower turnover, higher prices, and limited supply is the new world order and demand remained consistently high throughout the year and has continued strongly into 2019.  

2018 Year Real Estate Market Report Review

On a macro level when combining Noosa’s prestige markets (Noosaville, Noosa Heads, Sunshine, and Sunrise Beach), the number of transactions was slightly down vs YA from 501 sales in 2017 to 445 in 2018 however the average sale price was up significantly +16% vs the previous year and is now an eyewatering $1.429m.

The luxury property market has been the darling of the nation’s property markets with now 6 sales over $ 10 million in a little over a year peaking with the sales of one of Sunshine Beach’s most extraordinary properties, 23 Webb Road selling for $18M.

– 23 Webb Road              $18m

– 46 Seaview Terrace       $15.2m

– 2A Belmore Terrace       $14m

– 5 Allambi Rise                $11.2m

– 312 Teewah Beach       $10.75m

– 29-31 Wyuna Drive        $10.3m

The strong demand for prestige property has continued despite the tightening lending conditions brought on by the Banking Royal Commission. We are continuing to experience positive migration from southern markets with people seeking tree or sea changes. Buyers from southern markets are taking the opportunity to realize the significant capitalization over the last 4 years from their principle market buying into the Noosa market which has experienced much more moderate sustainable growth over that same period. There has been a significant shift in the market dynamics away from growth speculation and holiday home buying to a much more sustainable property market based on everyday occupation and lifestyle change. 

Scarcity and a lack of supply are the new norm for buyers and sellers and we are not expecting any change to that in 2019, there is no relief valve, Noosa’s population is capped because there are no significant development sites left and it is surrounded by National Parks.

2019 Outlook

We are off to a very strong start with contracts on $11.3m of property so far and there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight. The team has a significant number of unmet buyer briefs for properties ranging from $700k to $15m. 

The handing down of the Royal Commission into the Banking and Finance sector seems to have little to no effect on the buyer behavior in the prestige end of the market however, in the family home $800k $1.5m range has shown to be a bit sluggish due to the tougher lending environment.  Strong results are still on offer, but we expect that days on the market could extend a little as the year rolls on.  At a high level, although lending restrictions and uncertainty around the federal election will continue to impact the attitude and urgency of buyers, the market drivers look positive with the region’s significant infrastructure pipeline, coupled with strong interstate migration and improving employment opportunities, we expect that will further sustain the market.

Here is the wrap on the latest trends in some of Noosa’s most talked about suburbs. 

Noosa Waters

Noosa Waters is an exclusive canal estate next to the Noosa River precinct that features some of the most prestigious waterfront homes in Noosa. Many homes in the estate have won design awards and feature stunning designs by the likes of Chris Clout, Frank Macchia, Stephen Kidd, and Paul Clout. There are only 440 homes on the waterfront and a small selection of townhouses making Noosa Waters a very exclusive estate, affording the lucky few an extraordinary lifestyle. The canals are protected from public boating traffic and are non-tidal due to the lock & weir. The lock joins Noosa Waters directly to the Noosa River. This is the perfect arrangement for ease of access to waterways and the ocean whilst maintaining security and privacy for owners in Noosa Waters.

Noosa Waters | 2018 Year Real Estate Market Report Review

Scarcity, lack of choice, and a market that has favored the seller are the theme for the Noosa Waters waterfront with the number of transactions declining from 10% turnover to 6% or 32 sales for 2018.  With the decline in volume, the total sales also fell from $101m to $65m. There was as expected an increase in the average sale price from $2.215m in 2017 to $2.249m in 2018. The big shift was the tightening of transactions at the top end of the market ($3m+), with 10 sales over $3m in 2017 and only 4 in 2018.  Ultimately we are left with unsatisfied buyers, especially in the top end of the market. There are several records that have been re-set across the waterfront with street records being set in Seamount Quay, land sales on Saltwater aspect records on the Promontory.

Noosa Heads

The heart and soul of Noosa’s worldwide popularity, pristine beaches, national parks, surf beaches, stunning dining, and shopping. From a property perspective, Noosa Heads has some of Noosa’s absolute jewels and rivals some of the most expensive and tightly held property in the country.

Noosa Heads is largely made up of Noosa Sound, Little Cove, and Noosa Hill and all have unique micro-market trends.

Noosa Heads has powered through the $1m median house price in April 2018 and is around 30% above the previous peak market performance from 2007-08. Days on the market are the shortest of all of Noosa’s suburbs at less than an average of 60 days on the market.  Vendor discounting has recently increased as sellers feel out of the market for premiums, in some cases some price adjustment has had to be made to close the deals and in the last data read had moved from a low of 3% discount in October 2017 to 9% in October 2018. Noosa Junction is a precinct to watch, there will be some significant redevelopment and commercial stimulus in the area, and we have seen house prices follow that type of precinct improvement in the past, Noosaville is a great example of that. Lifestyle and budget will quickly iron out micro markets that will suit you, but one thing is for sure, Noosa Heads has some of the most desirable properties in South East Queensland and is primed for future growth, so be confident when purchasing and act quickly to meet the market.

Sunshine Beach

One of Noosa’s most sought-after and revered suburbs known worldwide for its incredible beaches, surf, and cool dining strip. All this popularity makes it one of the most expensive suburbs in QLD with a Median House price above $1M and climbing.

Market dynamics are strong and favor the seller, accelerating growth has been the trend over the last 5 years, surpassing the previous peak median house price of $1.2m in 2017. The volume of sales in Sunshine Beach has bucked the Noosa trend with volume increasing 57% vs the previous year from 44 Sales in 2017 to 69 in 2018.  There is also a clear cyclical selling cycle with peak selling seasons over summer months being the dominant selling period. Days on the market have been increasing with sellers feeling out the opportunity for a premium at the same time as competing with more properties on the market leading to longer campaigns. Vendor discounting has also increased slightly through the year but the last data read was just under 5% which is consistent with neighbouring markets. The truly great positions are few and far between with aspect, views, and proximity all impacting value. If the right opportunity presents itself in Sunshine Beach, act as if you may wait a lifetime for it to reappear.


Often referred to by locals as the “Village”, Noosaville and the river precinct have long been a playground for friends and families. The open parkland that traverses the banks of the Noosa River is equal parts beautiful and peaceful. The perfect place for picturesque walks, family gatherings, and dining ranging from casual to some of the finest on offer; not to mention being the hub for the aquatic playground that the Noosa River has to offer.

Noosaville | 2018 Year Real Estate Market Report Review

Noosaville has been one of the hero marketplaces in Noosa attracting strong almost linear growth over the last 5 years and is now nearly 30% above the previous peak price achieved back in 2007 – 08. Days on the market remain low with the average home selling in circa 50 days and vendor discounting is some of the lowest we can see across the Noosa region. Noosaville precinct streets and Noosa Waters will take a little immersion to fully understand the dynamics of the value but with some assistance from the better agents that specialize in the area, it quickly made sense and decisions can be quickly reached.


Noosa has some of the most picturesque hinterland in the country all just a stone’s throw from world-class beaches, outstanding shopping and dining precincts of Noosa Heads, Noosaville & Sunshine Beach. The Hinterland has traditionally been slower to lift and follow the upward trends of its beachside neighbors and is only just now reaching similar levels to the previous property price peak of 2008.

Sustainable moderate growth has been the trend in both 2015-16 and much more aggressive growth in the last 2 years has median house prices at $851k in the latest read in RP Data. Days on the market are the shortest they have been for several years although are showing signs of extending a little over the last couple of months but remain under 100 days. The ‘Tree-change” market continues to attract interest and buyers capitalized from Southern markets, we can expect minimal vendor discounting at around 5%. There are so many options in the hinterland with Doonan and Tinbeerwah being the most sought-after locations due to proximity but keep an eye on Weyba Downs and Cooroibah and partner with agents that know the market well so that you can make the most of their local knowledge.

Coastal Luxe: Your Ultimate Style Guide for Elegant Beach Living

When exploring the Coastal Luxe style, it’s vital to understand its characteristics and elements. Coastal architecture blends seamlessly with transitional and traditional interior designs, creating homes with a beach vibe.

Embrace light, airy interiors with whitewashed walls and natural textures. Incorporate seashell decor for an authentic coastal chic feel. Seek inspiration from Myrtle Beach interior designers for luxurious living and dining spaces. Dive into the world of Coastal Luxe with confidence and style.

Coastal Luxe Style Guide

When it comes to coastal luxury homes and coastal construction, Connecticut is a prime destination. Coastal construction groups offer expertise in creating coastal luxe interiors and living spaces.

Incorporating a coastal luxe style involves a blue-and-white color scheme, relaxed elegance, and outdoor living spaces. Think patio furniture, wicker accents, and glass furniture, complemented by beach glass decor and seascape art. Coastal bedding adds the final touch to these serene retreats.

Coastal Luxe: Your Ultimate Style Guide for Elegant Beach Living

The Basics

Elegant, inviting, and relaxing, coastal interiors on the Sunshine Coast are timeless, but now, Australian homes are evolving to a modern style of coastal luxe. Traditionally, coastal-style homes feature a range of iconic design elements such as white timber paneling, polished hardwood floors, high coffered ceilings, and soft, neutral color palettes in shades of soft whites, muted greys, and inky blues.

Coastal luxe-styled homes cleverly blend a mix of coastal, tropical, white, timber, and patterned elements with modern materials to give our homes a relaxed yet luxurious look and feel whilst maintaining a family-friendly atmosphere.

Together, these contrasting materials strike the perfect balance between sophisticated elegance and coastal luxe to achieve the timeless look that coastal-style homes have become known for in Australia. Synonymous with relaxed living and beach culture, coastal homes tie in exceedingly well with the Australian way of life and are generally quite accommodating of an indoor-outdoor lifestyle. Coastal-style properties continue to be in high demand across the country.

Coastal luxe is the perfect balance of white, timber, and modern finishes.


The home decorating style that is coastal luxe has become increasingly favored on the Sunshine Coast, and the trend doesn’t appear to be fading in popularity any time soon.

Coastal Luxe: Your Ultimate Style Guide for Elegant Beach Living

Creating a coastal-inspired home doesn’t have to be complicated.  In fact, with some simple styling tips & tricks and some easy and affordable upgrades, you too could transform your home into an idyllic escape — reminiscent of a luxury seaside home.

Here in Noosa, the coastal luxe look has become a mainstay of interior design and property styling, with many properties undertaking head-to-toe refurbishments in favor of achieving the look. As one of the most desirable seaside locations in the world and a suburb made famous for being one of Australia’s most picturesque holiday destinations, it’s little wonder that Noosa residents are so taken with the trend or why homeowners are so intent on creating a coastal luxe retreat of their own.

Designed & styled by Simone Barter Design Studio

Photographed by Rikki Lancaster

Coastal Luxe Living & Dining: Expert Style Guide and Tips

If you’re seeking to infuse your living and dining spaces with coastal luxe style, consider incorporating elements inspired by beach house decor and nautical home decor.

Myrtle Beach interior designers can offer valuable insights into creating light and airy interiors reminiscent of oceanfront living. Opt for woven furniture and a coastal color palette to evoke a sense of relaxation and chic coastal charm in your home.

Coastal Luxe Style Guide

1. Living & Dining

A space to connect with family and friends, your living and dining area should be warm, welcoming, and inviting. That doesn’t mean that the room can’t also encompass a modern coastal luxe-inspired look. Those lucky enough to live in an oceanfront property should strive to make sure their living and dining areas take full advantage of the breathtaking beach views while offering a comfortable and liveable environment to sit back and relax.

Coastal Luxe Living & Dining: Expert Style Guide and Tips

With several fundamental design elements derived from some of the finest seaside properties in the world, the coastal style can help to highlight and accentuate any existing beach views, in turn, driving up the value of your home. Here are some things to consider when planning your coastal luxe-style living and dining room.

2. Open space

Ideally, the floor plan of your living and dining area should be set out in a way that offers a clear line of sight and an obvious pathway to move around the room. Given that it is intended to be a multi-purpose space, the layout should be designed in a way that flows freely from one area to another.

Looking to infuse your living and dining spaces with Coastal Luxe style? Embrace natural textures and breezy interiors to create a beach luxury atmosphere. Opt for blue and white decor to evoke seascape views and incorporate outdoor living spaces with patio furniture for entertaining.

Whether it’s beach luxury restaurants or a beach luxury dinner buffet, let Australia’s coastal living inspiration guide your luxury sofa design choices for a sophisticated coastal retreat.

3. Relaxed furniture

Essential to any true coastal luxe-styled living area is a variety of stylish homewares, comfortable sofas, and occasional chairs. Most commonly, colors are muted greys, greens, and blues with an added texture of tan leather. Extra furnishings like coffee tables, sideboards, and dining tables tend to be made of organic oak timbers to add a touch of earthiness.

Coastal Luxe Living & Dining: Expert Style Guide and Tips

4. Styling & decor

As one of the featured areas of the home, the living and dining areas offer ample opportunity for styling and homeowners can have fun decorating the space. Think beautiful ceramic vases with potted tropical indoor plants, a tasteful mix of light fittings and lamps, and an assortment of textured timber pieces. Unique wall art, handmade ceramics, and styled bar carts help tie the space together.

5. Window treatments

As previously mentioned, the goal of a coastal luxe living and dining area is to make the most of a beautiful ocean view, so the window treatments used are highly essential to completing the overall look. For a simple yet elegant look, sheer white curtains that can be drawn to either side will permit you the best view from your beachfront home. However, for those who seek more privacy, plantation shutters in a crisp shade of white looks superb from inside and out and will help continue your coastal luxe theme.

The modern take on the coastal luxe living space should be a mixture of fabrics, layering of textures, and one stunning, bold statement.

6. Contrasting textures

As for cushions, throws, and rugs, coastal luxe-inspired styling is achieved through the use of a range of contrasting materials and textures. Consider investing in some high-quality rugs and of course, no coastal home is complete without a wide selection of cushions and throws.

Designed & styled by Simone Barter Design Studio

Photographed by Rikki Lancaster

Coastal Luxe Style Guide: Elevate Your Kitchen

Aim for luxury within a beach house setting in crafting your modern coastal kitchen. Consider small beach house kitchen design ideas that maximize space and ambiance. Coastal kitchen cabinets can enhance the vibe while consulting with Myrtle Beach interior designers can refine your vision.

Opt for coastal-style kitchen elements like Hamptons Kitchen Style and chic decor. Choose high-end kitchen appliances and lighting to complete the look.

Coastal Luxe Style Guide

When designing a coastal luxe kitchen for your beach house, prioritize functionality and aesthetics. Opt for white kitchen cabinets to evoke a modern beach ambiance, complemented by blue accents for a refreshing touch.

Incorporate open floor plan kitchen layouts to enhance space and flow, and consider adding seashell or nautical decor for a charming coastal vibe. Explore pictures of coastal kitchens for inspiration and choose coastal kitchen colors that reflect the serenity of the sea.

1. The Kitchen

Often thought of as the most important room in the home, the kitchen tends to be the place where families and guests congregate most. Being the central hub of the home, the style must flow through the property accordingly.

Coastal Luxe Style Guide: Elevate Your Kitchen

Coastal luxe-inspired kitchens have a distinctly recognizable look and in most cases are just as functional as they are stylish. As coastal-style homes are frequently used for entertaining, the host needs to be able to prepare delicious meals while simultaneously tending to the needs of their guests.

Read on for the best tips on how to turn your kitchen into an elegant yet practical space to host unforgettable parties or simply prepare a beautiful meal for loved ones.

2. Open-plan living

One of the fundamental features of coastal luxe-style kitchens is the open-plan design of the space. Commonly, coastal luxe-inspired kitchens feature spacious floor plans with the addition of an island bench top that can be used as a breakfast bar. If you are renovating an existing home, you may be slightly limited as to what you can achieve, however, it can be helpful to bear this in mind.

3. Custom design

The key elements of a coastal luxe kitchen design include: the use of white, stone bench tops, feature tiled splash backs, open shelves, and a butler’s pantry. This look is all about designing the kitchen correctly to allow all of the ‘day-to-day’ items to be tucked away in the butler’s pantry so your kitchen space always looks clean and clutter-free. Design is the most important element in achieving this look.

4. Beautiful benchtops

When it comes to benchtops, there is a wide variety of materials that work well for coastal luxe-style homes, however, none are more popular or better suited than the classic marble countertop. For something more minimal, a simple white benchtop will do, or for something more rustic, try a timber benchtop with a rich grain.

Coastal Luxe Style Guide: Elevate Your Kitchen

5. Pendant Lighting

Given the high ceilings of traditional coastal homes, pendant lighting
has become a staple for coastal luxe-inspired kitchens with decorative low-hanging lights often placed above the island bench top.

6. No more chrome

Along with bathrooms, the coastal luxe look is all about adding your tapware as a featured element. Think black, white, brushed brass, or even a tropical green. Traditionally when choosing tapware, all of the fixtures had to be the same colour throughout our home, but not anymore. Mix your tapware colors to suit your kitchen, bathroom, laundry, and ensuite design.

7. Timber flooring

With so much white featured in your coastal luxe-inspired kitchen, it’s a great idea to add some contrast by installing some beautiful timber flooring. Not only do timber floors add warmth to the space, but they can also be continued into other living areas for a seamless, blended look.

Designed & styled by Simone Barter Design Studio

Photographed by Rikki Lancaster

Coastal Luxe Style Guide: Elevate Your Bedroom with Beach-Inspired Decor

In crafting a Coastal Luxe Style Guide for the bedroom, consider incorporating elements that evoke luxury coastal living. Opt for light and airy decor with natural materials like wicker furniture for a serene ambiance.

Choose calming bedroom colors reminiscent of the seaside, such as soft blues and sandy neutrals. Embrace the coastal trends of 2024 by creating a tranquil retreat that combines beachfront vibes with traditional coastal style.

Coastal Luxe Style Guide

In crafting a Coastal Luxe Style Guide for the bedroom, embrace the essence of coastal chic design. Coastal-style homes exude relaxation and tranquility with sandy tones and beach-inspired accents like seashell decor and coastal artwork.

Incorporate a blue and white color scheme for a nautical touch, complemented by linen bedding and beach glass accents. Embrace a minimalist approach for a budget-friendly yet sophisticated coastal interior.

1. The Bedroom

With soft, soothing tones and a variety of contrasting textures, the coastal luxe look lends itself particularly well to bedroom styling. The style provides a vast range of key styling techniques that will allow you to create a dreamy space in which to begin and end each day.

Coastal Luxe Style Guide: Elevate Your Bedroom with Beach-Inspired Decor

Comprising a feature bedhead and lush textiles — coastal luxe-styled bedrooms are designed to create a comforting atmosphere and establish a peaceful environment in which one can instantly unwind. Continuing with the gentle, neutral hues, the best coastal luxe bedrooms feature a range of decor and styling pieces that make the space easy to customize. Follow the points below to personalize your bedroom whilst keeping to the traditional coastal look.

2. Featured fabrics

As the largest piece of furniture in the room, your bed will undeniably be the main focal point and will set the style for the rest of your space. As such, you must choose a bedhead, euro size, and feature fabric cushions that will be the centerpiece of your bedroom. Colors like grey and cream tend to work best, but for something bold, an elegant navy blue can also be an excellent choice.

3. Luxe linen

Nothing says coastal luxe quite like a luxurious set of sheets and decadently layered linens. Let the high thread count do all the talking, whilst keeping patterns to a minimum. For the main sheets, stick to classic crisp whites — then layer up with beautiful blankets, and cushions, and throw in a variety of colors to compliment the rest of the bedroom styling.

4. Mood lighting

If you’re looking to set a relaxing mood, make sure you pay attention to all of your light fittings and fixtures. Again, layering is key here, as too harsh overhead lighting can affect the ambiance of the space. Instead, try to include a range of lighting options from bedside table lamps, pendant lighting, standing lamps, and even some featured wall lighting.

Coastal Luxe Style Guide: Elevate Your Bedroom with Beach-Inspired Decor

5. Remember your guests

As with all home styling, you must keep your guests top of mind. Spend some time thinking about who will be staying in the room and consider their wants and needs. For the master bedroom, perhaps you’ll require additional storage space, a reading light, or even a full-length mirror. However, for a child’s bedroom,  you may wish to incorporate more of a fun-loving vibe and include some free space for play.

6. Artwork and decor

In terms of coastal-style artwork and decor, the options are endless, but it’s important to remember that less is more. Choose pieces that follow the coastal style theme and include pops of color in line with your chosen palette. Try not to overthink it, the most beautifully styled bedrooms always include a perfectly balanced amount of space.

Designed & styled by Simone Barter Design Studio

Photographed by Rikki Lancaster


Coastal Luxe Style Guide to Elevated Outdoor Living

Coastal Luxe Style Guide

In crafting your Coastal Luxe Style Guide for the outdoors, embrace a blend of modern coastal farmhouse style with resort-style home design. Incorporate coastal chic design elements alongside traditional coastal touches for a balanced ambiance.

Consider beachfront patio design and Hamptons-style outdoor living for a luxurious feel. Add nautical elements and DIY outdoor coastal decor for a personalized touch. Create an outdoor oasis with tropical designs, catering to a resort-style backyard experience.

1. The Outdoors

From family get-togethers to parties with friends, outdoor living is an important part of Australian culture – particularly for those among us who are fortunate enough to live on the Sunshine Coast. However, without a suitable space to entertain, inviting guests over can be somewhat challenging.

Coastal Luxe Style Guide to Elevated Outdoor Living

Fortunately, coastal luxe-style homes are made for entertaining; whether you have a large open backyard or a smaller patio space, creating an idyllic outdoor area can completely change the way you think about hosting. Wouldn’t you love to enjoy those warm summer nights in a beautiful space of your own? Continue reading to learn how to turn your backyard into a dreamy coastal luxe outdoor retreat.

2. Outdoor furniture

The first thing your guests will notice as they enter your coastal-inspired outdoor living area is your furniture. It must make a strong statement. For a truly beachy look, you can’t go past beautiful whitewashed wicker lounge furniture with plenty of weather-resistant cushions. If you have the space, you may even want to add an outdoor dining set for those extra-special occasions.

3. Feature lighting

When it comes to creating the perfect outdoor living space, lighting can play a key role in the overall ambiance. If you intend on using your outdoor living space in the evenings as well as the daytime, be sure to add some feature lighting like lanterns and pendant lights.

4. Greenery

To create a true coastal luxe-style outdoor area, greenery is a must. However, how much will of course depend on the amount of space you have available. If you only have a small area to work with, consider investing in some elegant potted plants to add a splash of color. If you have a larger backyard, create a coastal-inspired garden by planting plenty of lush greenery and tropical plants.

Coastal Luxe Style Guide to Elevated Outdoor Living

5. Poolside living

If your backyard features a swimming pool, you’re in serious luck, as nothing says ‘coastal retreat’ like lounging around by your pool. Finish off the look by investing in some timber poolside furniture in a crisp, classic white. Add in some potted plants and for something truly sophisticated, consider surrounding the pool area with durable glass fencing.

Coastal architecture style embodies a serene blend of nature and comfort in coastal-style homes. From beach-style houses to coastal interior ideas, embracing the coastal home interior aesthetic creates a tranquil ambiance.

Consider wicker furniture for outdoors, outdoor rugs for coastal style, and lighting to enhance the outdoor coastal space. Incorporate coastal bedding, outdoor throw pillows, and sustainable decor for small coastal outdoor spaces. Enjoy entertaining outdoors in coastal style with thoughtful landscaping and decor.

Designed & styled by Simone Barter Design Studio

Photographed by Rikki Lancaster