To prepare your home for sale in Australia, start by decluttering and improving curb appeal. Consider staging with help from a real estate agent. Conduct a pre-sale inspection to address any issues.

Renovate and paint to boost home value. Use open house tips to showcase your property effectively. Companies can assist with preparing your house for sale, ensuring it meets buyers’ expectations. Follow a checklist for a smooth selling process.

Preparing Your Home For Sale

Your home is your greatest asset 

In life and real estate, it is often said that your principal place of residence is possibly your biggest asset. As industry professionals, we find this true for so many people in the community who we represent.

Guide to Preparing Your Home for Sale

With this in mind, you must do all you can to maintain the property throughout its lifetime, to protect and grow your asset. This way, at the time of eventual sale, you receive the best possible cash profit from your investment. 

Your home could deliver you a tax-free windfall 

Selling your home is a valuable opportunity for wealth and profit. Unlike other financial investments, your principal place of residence is free from capital gains tax and stamp duty. Therefore, a chance of a tax-free gain is rare. 

Selling is a one-off opportunity for profit 

Selling your home presents a unique opportunity to make a good deal of money. Typically every dollar your home sells for over the perceived market value is worth two dollars of your hard-earned labour. 

Secure the dollars you deserve for the property you own. You get only one chance to sell for profit and then the value passes on to the next owner.

To prepare your home for sale, start with a checklist, easily found as a PDF online. If needed, consider hiring help to get your house ready, ensuring it’s appealing to potential buyers. If you’re moving before selling, ensure your house is staged within 30 days for a faster sale.

Guide to Preparing Your Home for Sale

Once sold, navigate leaving your house smoothly. Efficiently prepping your home increases property value and expedites the selling process, potentially reducing costs. Additionally, consider landscaping and property photography for added appeal.

We are here to guide you through these steps and work closely with you to assist in making the process a seamless experience. For the complete guide, read steps 2 and 3. 

Our team is committed to the highest customer service level and is happy to help with all of your real estate needs; please get in touch with the Reed & Co. team if you have any questions about the market.